The pilgrimage site often chosen based on where human beings can experience the numinosity (a spiritual elevation) and presence of miraculous aspiration. Those presence are felt by people either as a field of energy, spiritual ambiance or communication with the elemental forces of the sacred sites. The ancient Tamil literatures and Hindu script have ample evidence that Tiruvannamalai has been pilgrimage site since BC 150.

Traveling to Tiruvannamalai means entering into the orbit of divine field, filled with density of holiness and sounds. Which leave the influence on visitors by physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Tiruvannamalai is one such pilgrimage site, filled with mystical experiences, fascinating explanations and mysterious powers. Which are transferred from one generation to another generation through self realization, guru student relationships and religious stories for thousand and thousands of years.

Realization of Truth:

With 1500 years of history, pilgrim continuously have their experience of visionary revelation, miraculous apparitions, and awakening of self realization at Tiruvannamalai. The mysterious capacity surrounded around Tiruvannamalai awaken and catalyze the pilgrim compassion, wisdom, peace of mind and respect to the earth. The fields of spiritual energy at Tiruvannamalai can assists in the transformation of human consciousness into the realization of ultimate truth.

As per Martin Gray, 20 distinct factors that contributes to the selection of sacred site by human beings. Those sacred factors further divided into “Influence of Earth”, “Influence of human built structure” and more importantly “Accumulation of power focused in single place by human intention”.

Influence of Earth in Tiruvannamalai:

No wonder Tiruvannmalai has all these factor applied in nature. Earth Influence Tiruvannamalai has the distinct geographical characteristics localized magnetism, radio activity, geometrical activity and the presence of underground water. The richness of ionization caused by red mountain arunachala and flow of ultrasound. On top it has the unusual pleasant sound which has the transformative effective on human beings.

Influence of structure in Arunachala Temple:

The design, construction, and ornamentation of the structure that human have placed in a site contributes the second factor. The significance of Tiruvannamalai town octagonal formation centered around fascinating Arunachala Temple. Because of the sacred geometry used in the construction of Arunachala temple . The ancient Tamils (also called Dravidas) were deeply observant of the mathematically repeating of natural patterns, sought to encode the patterns and architecture proportion they used on this Arunachala temple. Their precision on structural mathematics can not be under estimated because of shape of Tamil musical instruments and their music. The geographical location of annamalai mountain assist in generating the specific fields of energy and influence. The purposeful shape of Arunachala temple structure contribute in magnifying such energies around its surrounding.

Tiruvannamalai Place of Spiritual Intention:

Similar to how film records the energy of light and DVD records energy of sound and video, it is undisputable that earth can gather energy and intention of the humans who have visited the site. As like earth, fundamental unit of human also built upon electron and neutrons. The repulsive and attract force between those tiny element should have the identical impact on Macro elements which built upon them.

For more than thousands of years, sadhus, priestesses, pilgrims and gurus have gathered in Tiruvannamalai. Their dancing, chanting and praying have continuously charged the nnamalai hill and fields with peace, love, spiritual healing and divinity. The sculptures made of out different stones , the spring from annnamalai mountain become repositories of the concentrated spiritual aspirations and self realization attainment of humanity.

Pilgrimage to Tiruvannamalai, awakened the deepest realization of spiritual wisdom to Seshathiri swamigal, Ramana maharish, Yogi Ramsuratkumar , Lee Lozowic and all other sages and shamas. The Spiritual gurus list continue to grow also the Tiruvannamalai Pilgrimage.

General informations of Thiruvannamalai:

Tiruvannamalai is an ancient city named after the holy mountain "Tiruvannan Malai". Geologist consider this mountain is older than The Himalayas. The history of Tiruvannamalai can be tracked from B.C 100 Tamil Sangam age. We can also read about Girivalam circumambulation from ancient tamil literature such as Periya puranam, Kandha puranam and Thiru vilaiyadal puranam. The foundation of Arunachala temple has been laid by Chola king Vijalaya Chozan and the contributions has been extended by continuous kingdom and people. Under the Hoysala King Vallalan this town flourished among the spiritual seekers and become famous south Indian spiritual pilgrimage site. Local Deepam festival is world famous, this festival take place every year of Tamil month Karthigai and celebrated for the period of 13 days. The first 3 day of procession take place at Durga Temple and remaining days will be celebrated in Annamalai temple.

This city is full of spiritual ashram built by many holy men and enlightenment gurus. Seshadri Swamigal, Ramana Maharshi and Yogi Ramsuratkumar are some of them who lived attained eternity from Tiruvannamalai. Visitors all around the world travel to this city during the month of November and December.

Only Rupees 1500/- per year

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